Science Communication

In an open-access society, information is at everyone's fingertips. As scientists, we have a responsibility to disseminate our research in accessible and informative formats. 

Science Writing

I write evidence-based pieces for multiple platforms on a range of topics in psychology and mental health (see examples here and here). I have collaborated with young people with lived experience of mental health, charities, and education experts for different pieces - I'd love to hear from you if you have a project in mind.

Public Engagement

I am the host and founder of The Science or Fiction Podcast where we interview researchers to separate the science from the fiction in news headlines. The podcast is produced with young people: we aim to empower young people as consumers of research, and particularly mental health information. Find out more on our website: 


I've designed and conducted a range of workshops for children, teachers, and the general public. Feel free to contact me if you're interested in hosting a workshop. 


Team science (communication) is good science! I'm always keen start exciting collaborations - please reach out.